Ancillary Service Providers

Company name License Number Status of the license License issue date: Ancillary services Details
Meca Limited AFSA-A-LA-2019-0041 withdrawn by participant 27-08-2019 Providing Consulting Services show more
Grove Regulatory Consultancy Limited - AIFC Branch 112018-006 withdrawn by participant 05-11-2018 Providing Consulting Services show more
Khan-Tengri Capital Limited AFSA-A-LA-2021-0017(C) withdrawn by participant 09-09-2021 Providing Consulting Services show more
EX Capital Ltd. 072018-003 withdrawn 30-07-2018 Providing Legal Services, Providing Consulting Services show more
Branch of Yevniy Consulting Group LLP, in the AIFC AFSA-A-LA-2020-0020 withdrawn 27-05-2020 Providing Consulting Services show more
Castellamar Consulting Group Kazakhstan Ltd. AFSA-A-LA-2020-0044 withdrawn 03-12-2020 Providing Consulting Services show more
Creata Ventures Limited Liability Partnership doing business in the AIFC as Neirostorm Branch AIFC AFSA-A-LA-2019-0045 withdrawn 09-09-2019 Providing Consulting Services show more
BP-Group Ltd. AFSA-A-LA-2019-0025 withdrawn 19-06-2019 Providing Consulting Services show more
Qosil Limited 102018-002 withdrawn 02-11-2018 Providing Consulting Services show more
MY Partners Limited 072018-004 withdrawn 30-07-2018 Providing Legal Services, Providing Consulting Services show more
Agency Green Advising Limited 102018-001 withdrawn 04-10-2018 Providing Consulting Services show more
TASCO Limited 112018-007 withdrawn 06-11-2018 Providing Consulting Services show more
"SberSolutions Kazakhstan" Ltd. AFSA-A-LA-2021-0013 withdrawn 17-06-2021 Providing Legal Services, Providing Accountancy Services, Providing Consulting Services show more
Atelier Ltd. AFSA-A-LA-2020-0032 withdrawn 14-08-2020 Providing Legal Services, Providing Consulting Services show more
Crowe RAS Astana Limited Liability Partnership AFSA-A-LA-2019-0026 withdrawn 27-06-2019 Providing Legal Services, Providing Consulting Services show more
San Yo Ltd. AFSA-A-LA-2019-0015 withdrawn 20-05-2019 Providing Consulting Services show more
KAZ TPC Ltd. AFSA-A-LA-2019-0016 withdrawn 23-05-2019 Providing Consulting Services show more
TALANTIZ Group Ltd. AFSA-A-LA-2019-0035 withdrawn 22-07-2019 Providing Consulting Services show more
Geometry Lab Limited AFSA-A-LA-2019-0048 withdrawn 27-09-2019 Providing Consulting Services show more
"KKO" Recognised Limited Liability Partnership in AIFC 012019-003 withdrawn 30-01-2019 Providing Legal Services, Providing Audit Services, Providing Accountancy Services, Providing Consulting Services show more
Blockchain KZ Limited 122018-002 withdrawn 14-12-2018 Providing Consulting Services show more
Eurasia Media Group (EM Group) Ltd. AFSA-A-LA-2019-0037 withdrawn 31-07-2019 Providing Consulting Services show more
Rich Consulting Limited 112018-011 withdrawn 09-11-2018 Providing Legal Services show more
BFC Ltd. AFSA-A-LA-2019-0054 withdrawn 14-11-2019 Providing Consulting Services show more
Gilman and Company Limited 092018-005 withdrawn 25-09-2018 Providing Legal Services, Providing Consulting Services show more