Ancillary Service Providers

Company name License Number Status of the license License issue date: Ancillary services Details
ABROY Boutique Law Firm Ltd AFSA-A-LA-2020-0028 withdrawn 23-07-2020 Providing Legal Services show more
ADA Consulting Ltd. AFSA-A-LA-2020-0039 active 19-10-2020 Providing Consulting Services show more
Advantage Kazakhstan Ltd. AFSA-A-LA-2019-0030 active 03-07-2019 Providing Consulting Services show more
AEQUITAS Law Firm Limited Liability Partnership doing business in the AIFC as AEQUITAS Law Firm (AIFC Branch) AFSA-A-LA-2019-0022 active 14-06-2019 Providing Legal Services, Providing Consulting Services show more
AERC Beta LLP AFSA-A-LA-2020-0047 active 24-12-2020 Providing Consulting Services show more
Agency Green Advising Limited 102018-001 withdrawn 04-10-2018 Providing Consulting Services show more
AGZ Zan Hub Ltd. AFSA-A-LA-2019-0012 active 02-05-2019 Providing Legal Services, Providing Consulting Services show more
AIFC Green Finance Centre Ltd. AFSA-A-LA-2019-0060 active 19-12-2019 Providing Legal Services, Providing Consulting Services show more
AIFC Professional Services Group Limited AFSA-M-LA-2022-0001-1 active 14-11-2022 Providing Accountancy Services, Providing Consulting Services show more
AKHMETOVA Law Firm Limited AFSA-A-LA-2020-0049 active 31-12-2020 Providing Legal Services, Providing Consulting Services show more
Alliance Business Services Limited Liability Partnership AFSA-A-LA-2020-0046 withdrawn 22-12-2020 Providing Consulting Services show more
Alpha Consult Group Limited AFSA-A-LA-2020-0027 withdrawn 21-07-2020 Providing Consulting Services show more
Amanie Advisors Astana Ltd. AFSA-A-LA-2019-0024 withdrawn 17-06-2019 Providing Consulting Services show more
Amicorp Kazakhstan Limited AFSA-O-LA-2024-0007 active 27-02-2024 Providing Consulting Services show more
Analytical Credit Rating Agency (Joint-Stock Company) doing business in the AIFC as Branch of ACRA (JSC) in the AIFC AFSA-A-LA-2019-0009 active 15-04-2019 Providing Credit Rating Services show more
AnalyticaPro Solutions Ltd. AFSA-O-LA-2024-0009 active 13-03-2024 Providing Consulting Services show more
AP Legal Ltd. AFSA-O-LA-2023-0003 active 18-05-2023 Providing Legal Services show more
AR Solutions Ltd. AFSA-O-LA-2024-0013 active 23-04-2024 Providing Consulting Services show more
ASP CAPITAL RK Limited AFSA-O-LA-2022-0003 active 16-09-2022 Providing Consulting Services show more
Astana Associates Ltd. AFSA-A-LA-2022-0008 active 09-02-2022 Providing Consulting Services show more
Astana Consulting Limited Liability Partnership AFSA-A-LA-2019-0006 active 28-03-2019 Providing Consulting Services show more
Astana Open University Ltd. AFSA-A-LA-2019-0003 active 04-03-2019 Providing Consulting Services show more
Atelier Ltd. AFSA-A-LA-2020-0032 withdrawn 14-08-2020 Providing Legal Services, Providing Consulting Services show more
Avantgarde Advisory Ltd. AFSA-A-LA-2019-0013 active 03-05-2019 Providing Legal Services, Providing Consulting Services show more
«Axe Capital Consulting» LLP AFSA-A-LA-2019-0056 withdrawn 26-11-2019 Providing Consulting Services show more