Authorised Firms

Company name License Number Status of the license License issue date: Ordered activities Details
Finhub Global Ltd. AFSA-A-LA-2024-0017 active 11-07-2024 Dealing in Investments as Principal;Dealing in Investments as Agent;Advising on Investments;Arranging Deals in Investments;Arranging Custody (Shares;Debentures;Warrants;Certificates;Structured products;Futures;Contracts for Differences;Options;Rights to or interests in Investments;Units in a Collective Investment Scheme) show more
ETSE Ltd. AFSA-A-LA-2024-0018 active 11-07-2024 Operating a Multilateral Trading Facility show more
Amicorp Fund Services (AIFC) Limited AFSA-A-LA-2024-0016 active 09-07-2024 Providing Fund Administration show more
ADVANCED PAYMENT SOLUTIONS Ltd. AFSA-A-LA-2024-0015 active 05-07-2024 Providing Money Services in relation to Digital Assets show more
ITS Central Securities Depository Limited AFSA-A-LA-2024-014 active 06-06-2024 Providing Custody show more
Zubr Capital Limited AFSA-A-LA-2024-0013 active 03-06-2024 Advising on Investments;Arranging Deals in Investments;Managing a Collective Investment Scheme in respect of Exempt Funds (Shares;Debentures;Rights to or interests in Investments;Units in a Collective Investment Scheme) show more
Tayyab Finance Ltd. AFSA-A-LA-2024-0012 active 29-05-2024 Providing Islamic Financing show more
Upside Lab Advisors Ltd. AFSA-A-LA-2024-0011 active 28-05-2024 Advising on Investments;Arranging Deals in Investments (Shares;Debentures;Certificates;Structured products;Options;Rights to or interests in Investments;Units in a Collective Investment Scheme) show more
Radiance Capital Management Limited AFSA-A-LA-2024-0009 active 22-05-2024 Managing Investments;Advising on Investments;Arranging Deals in Investments;Managing a Collective Investment Scheme in respect of Exempt Funds show more
RCS Trust and Corporate Services Ltd. AFSA-A-LA-2024-0010 active 22-05-2024 Arranging Custody;Providing Trust Services show more
Vizier Asset Management Company Limited AFSA-A-LA-2024-0008 active 24-04-2024 Advising on Investments;Arranging Deals in Investments;Managing a Collective Investment Scheme in respect of Exempt Funds show more
GESHER FINANCE Ltd. AFSA-A-LA-2024-0007 active 18-04-2024 Managing Investments;Advising on Investments;Arranging Deals in Investments show more
JAS Ventures Limited AFSA-A-LA-2024-0006 active 12-03-2024 Managing a Collective Investment Scheme show more
SQIF AM Ltd. AFSA-A-LA-2024-0005 active 28-02-2024 Managing a Collective Investment Scheme in respect of Exempt Funds show more
Aquila Management Ltd. AFSA-A-LA-2024-0004 active 21-02-2024 Managing a Collective Investment Scheme in respect of Exempt Funds show more
ASPAN PRIME CAPITAL Ltd. AFSA-A-LA-2024-0003 active 23-01-2024 Advising on Investments;Arranging Deals in Investments show more
One Capital Ltd. AFSA-A-LA-2024-0001 active 10-01-2024 Managing a Collective Investment Scheme in respect of Exempt Funds show more
VPE Capital Fund Management Limited AFSA-A-LA-2024-0002 active 10-01-2024 Managing a Collective Investment Scheme;Advising on Investments;Arranging Deals in Investments show more
Satrial Capital Ltd. AFSA-A-LA-2023-0020 active 15-12-2023 Managing a Collective Investment Scheme in respect of Exempt Funds show more
byb capital Ltd. AFSA-A-LA-2023-0019 active 14-12-2023 Managing a Collective Investment Scheme in respect of Exempt Funds show more
FinSight Ventures Asia Ltd. AFSA-A-LA-2023-0018 active 11-12-2023 Managing a Collective Investment Scheme in respect of Exempt Funds show more
UD Capital Astana Ltd. AFSA-A-LA-2023-0017 active 06-12-2023 Advising on Investments;Arranging Deals in Investments;Managing a Collective Investment Scheme in respect of Exempt Funds show more
Orda Wealth Management Ltd. AFSA-A-LA-2023-0016 active 01-12-2023 Managing Investments;Advising on Investments;Arranging Deals in Investments show more
Aspire Management Ltd. AFSA-A-LA-2023-0015 active 27-11-2023 Managing a Collective Investment Scheme in respect of Exempt Funds show more
Dasco Capital Ltd. AFSA-A-LA-2023-0013 active 21-11-2023 Managing a Collective Investment Scheme in respect of Exempt Funds;Advising on Investments;Arranging Deals in Investments (Shares;Debentures;Warrants;Certificates;Structured products;Futures;Contracts for Differences;Options) show more