FinTech Lab Participants

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Company name License Number Status of the license License issue date: Ordered activities Details
SMB-Market Place Limited AFSA-G-LA-2019-0010 withdrawn (graduated) 01-08-2018 Operating an Investment Crowdfunding Platform show more
S1LK PAY Ltd. AFSA-G-LA-2019-0017 withdrawn (graduated) 20-02-2020 Providing Money Services;Providing Credit show more
LinkingPay Ltd. AFSA-G-LA-2020-0009 withdrawn (graduated) 25-09-2020 Providing Money Services show more
iKapitalist Ltd. AFSA-G-LA-2020-0002 withdrawn (graduated) 06-01-2021 Operating a Loan Crowdfunding Platform;Operating an Investment Crowdfunding Platform show more
ePlata Eurasia Limited AFSA-G-LA-2019-0006 withdrawn (graduated) 27-05-2019 Providing Money Services show more
Robocash Ltd. AFSA-G-LA-2019-0001 withdrawn (graduated) 18-03-2019 Operating a Loan Crowdfunding Platform show more
Ozara Finance Limited AFSA-G-LA-2019-0012 withdrawn (graduated) 07-06-2018 Managing a Restricted Profit Sharing Investment Account;Providing Islamic Financing show more
Collect & Pay Ltd. AFSA-G-LA-2020-0005 withdrawn (graduated) 24-04-2020 Providing Money Services show more
Venture Rocket Eurasia Ltd. AFSA-G-LA-2021-0007 withdrawn by participant 27-04-2021 Operating an Investment Crowdfunding Platform;Operating a Loan Crowdfunding Platform show more
LNM Limited AFSA-G-LA-2021-0003 withdrawn by participant 14-04-2021 Dealing in Investments as Principal show more
TransferEasy KAZ Limited AFSA-G-LA-2020-0003 withdrawn by participant 11-02-2020 Providing Money Services show more
ADVANCED PAYMENT SOLUTIONS Ltd. AFSA-G-LA-2021-0017 withdrawn 12-07-2021 Dealing in Investments as Agent;Arranging Deals in Investments show more
Liebrock Capital Limited AFSA-G-LA-2019-0008 suspended by participant 02-08-2019 Operating a Private Financing Platform show more
XP Invest Limited AFSA-G-LA-2019-0013 suspended by participant 28-10-2019 Operating an Exchange show more
4KZ Limited AFSA-G-LA-2019-0015 suspended by participant 05-11-2019 Operating an Exchange show more
HWGC KZ Limited AFSA-G-LA-2023-0001 suspended 24-01-2023 Dealing in Investments as Agent show more
Enaqd Ltd. AFSA-G-LA-2021-0014 revoked by AFSA 04-06-2021 Providing Money Services show more
Senim Business Ltd. AFSA-G-LA-2019-0005 revoked by AFSA 27-05-2019 Providing Money Services show more
Quantdart Fintech Limited AFSA-G-LA-2019-0018 revoked by AFSA 18-12-2019 Dealing in Investments as Principal;Dealing in Investments as Agent;Managing Investments;Providing Custody;Advising on Investments;Arranging Deals in Investments show more
Pyypl Kazakhstan Ltd. AFSA-G-LA-2019-0011 expired 16-01-2019 Providing Money Services show more
Eurasia Continental Financial Limited AFSA-G-LA-2020-0011 expired 07-06-2018 Arranging Deals in Investments;Accepting Deposits;Providing Credit;Providing Money Services show more
Index Dollar Limited AFSA-G-NB-2021-0002 expired 08-02-2018 Operating an Exchange show more
Xignal&MT Ltd. AFSA-G-LA-2021-0015 expired 29-06-2021 Providing Custody;Arranging Custody show more
The Small Business Stock Exchange Limited AFSA-G-NB-2021-0003 expired 08-02-2018 Operating an Investment Crowdfunding Platform show more
Paysend CEX Limited S-102018-008 expired 11-10-2018 Providing Money Services show more