Special Purpose Companies

Company name BIN Registered Address Registration date Registration status Details
iX Brent Oil SPC Limited 191040900244 29-10-2019 Active show more
iX US Aggregated Bonds SPC Limited 191040900254 29-10-2019 Active show more
iX Global Emerging Markets Bonds SPC Limited 191040900264 08-10-2020 Active show more
iX US 500 Equities SPC Limited 191040900274 03-12-2020 Active show more
iX Global Emerging Markets Equities SPC Limited 191040900284 29-10-2019 Active show more
Blackbird Holding SPC Limited 191140900030 55/16, Mangilik Yel ave, office 339-340, Astana, Kazakhstan 04-11-2019 Active show more
AARKAY HOLDING SPC Limited 191140900042 55/17, Mangilik Yel Avenue, Office 145, Astana, Kazakhstan 04-11-2019 Active show more
Filia Dei Holding SPC Limited 191140900054 55/16, Mangilik Yel ave, office 339-340, Astana, Kazakhstan 04-11-2019 Active show more
Vram Holding SPC Limited 191140900066 55/16, Mangilik Yel ave, office 339-340, Astana, Kazakhstan 04-11-2019 Active show more
iX US High Dividend SPC Limited 200440900230 30-04-2020 Active show more
iX High Yield Corporate Bond SPC Limited 200440900240 30-04-2020 Active show more
iX US Short-Term Treasury SPC Limited 200440900250 30-04-2020 Active show more
iX Gold SPC Limited 200440900260 30-04-2020 Active show more
Global Fund A SPC Limited 200940900178 Z05T3C4,Astana,Esil district,55/19,Mangilik El Avenue,office n/a 12-10-2019 Active show more
Fund of Initial Public Offerings SPC Limited 201140900163 Mangilik El 55/19,Astana, Kazakhstan 18-11-2020 Active show more
iX NASDAQ 100 Equities SPC Limited 210240900364 Mangilik El 55/19,Z05T3C4,Astana,Republic of Kazakhstan 26-02-2021 Active show more
Qazaqstan Equity Passive SPC Limited 210540900038 05T3C4,Astana,Esil district,5/19,Mangilik El Avenue 06-05-2021 Active show more
Qazaqstan Equity Active SPC Limited 210540900048 Mangilik El 55/19,Z05T3C4,Astana,Republic of Kazakhstan 06-05-2021 Active show more
Freedom Finance SPC Ltd. 210540900127 16, Dostyk Street, Talan Towers offices, floor 26, Astana, Kazakhstan 18-05-2021 Active show more
BC Inteh Plus SPC Ltd. 210640900418 17,Sauran street,Esil district, Astana,the Republic of Kazakhstan 25-06-2021 Active show more
FALCONRY MOST VENTURES I SPC Ltd. 210740900392 55/22, Mangilik El avenue, office 140,Z05T3F5, Astana, the Republic of Kazakhstan 27-07-2021 Active show more
FALCONRY MOST VENTURES II SPC Ltd. 210740900401 55/22, Mangilik El avenue,Z05T3F5, Astana, the Republic of Kazakhstan 03-08-2021 Active show more
iX Bitcoin SPC Limited 210840900198 05T3C4,Astana,Esil district,5/19,Mangilik El Avenue 10-08-2021 Active show more
FF IUIF Fixed Income USD SPC Limited 210840900207 05T3C4,Astana,Esil district,5/19,Mangilik El Avenue 10-08-2021 Active show more
Kaz Financials SPC Limited 210940900052 Mangilik El 55/19,Z05T3C4,Astana,the Republic of Kazakhstan 03-09-2021 Active show more