
Private Company
Quantdart Fintech Limited
Registration details

Licence information

Subject of regulation Licence Number Licence active since: Licence not active since: Status Activities/Services Description Comments
FinTech Lab Participant AFSA-G-LA-2020-0012 29-12-2020 31-12-2023 expired -Dealing in Investments as Principal
-Dealing in Investments as Agent
-Managing Investments
-Providing Custody
-Advising on Investments
-Arranging Deals in Investments
Arr. deals in inv. and Prov. Custody (Inv. type: Asset backed tokens)* License extended: 1)17.12.2021 - 17.12.2022 2)17.12.2022 - 17.12.2023 3)17.12.2023 - 31.12.2023,license was suspended on 19.12.23

Approved individuals

Name Role Status Approval Effective date Approval Expiration date
Hin Fung Senior Executive Officer Former 29-05-2020 31-12-2023
Tan Na Wong Finance Officer Former 29-05-2020 31-12-2023
Hin Fung Director Former 29-05-2020 31-12-2023
Zhansaya Oryngazina Compliance Officer Former 04-03-2022 20-10-2022
Ying Kit Wong Compliance Officer Former 10-06-2020 04-03-2022