
Recognised Company
“Tengri Partners Investment Banking (Kazakhstan)” JSC doing business in the AIFC as “Tengri Partners Investment Banking (AIFC)”
Registration details

Licence information

Subject of regulation Licence Number Licence active since: Licence not active since: Status Activities/Services Description Comments
Regulated Activities AFSA-A-LA-2020-0002 21-01-2020 active -Dealing in Investments as Principal
-Dealing in Investments as Agent
-Advising on Investments
-Arranging Deals in Investments
Licence to conduct the following Regulated Activities withdrawn on 15.01.2021: Managing Investments; Managing a Collective Investment Scheme; Providing Fund Administration

Approved individuals

Name Role Status Approval Effective date Approval Expiration date
Kamila Ayupova Compliance Officer Active 07-02-2023
ILYA CHAKALIDI Senior Executive Officer Active 23-04-2021
Aigul Tatybayeva Finance Officer Active 04-02-2021
Zhanat Aktayeva Compliance Officer Former 09-06-2021 07-02-2023
Ainur Abilayeva Compliance Officer Former 27-08-2020 09-06-2021
ANUAR USHBAYEV Senior Executive Officer Former 21-01-2020 23-04-2021
Gulnаr Batyrshayeva Finance Officer Former 27-08-2020 04-02-2021