attribute value



Company name

Presight AI Kazakhstan Ltd.

Registered Address

Z05T3F6,Astana,Esil district,55/23,Mangilik El,office 249

Organisational-legal Form

Private Company

Registration status


Registration date 12-05-2023

Business nature

Provision of AI-powered big data analytics platforms

Company names

Name Status Effective date: Expiration date:
Presight AI Kazakhstan Ltd. Active 12-05-2023

Company addresses

Address Status Address is valid since: Address is not valid since:
Z05T3F6,Astana,Esil district,55/23,Mangilik El,office 249 Active 12-05-2023

Business nature: Provision of AI-powered big data analytics platforms

Company business activities

Code Activity
62031 Information and communication infrastructure management activities in the framework of the formation and development of state electronic information resources and systems

Company roles

Role Name Effective date Expiration date
Director Rashed Mohamed Alkouk 12-05-2023
CEO Rashed Mohamed Alkouk 12-05-2023
Authorised Signatory Rashed Mohamed Alkouk 12-05-2023

Share Classes

Class name Number of shares Currency Price for a share Total cost
Ordinary 100.00 USD 10.00 1,000.00
Total amount:
Total USD: 1,000.00

Collateral Information

Under collateral
No None


Name Comments Status

Change history

Date of change Subject of change