attribute value



Company name

Central Asian PhD Foundation

Registered Address

010000,Astana,Esil district,6/2,Uly Dala Avenue,office 35

Organisational-legal Form


Registration status


Registration date 26-05-2021

Business nature

R&D, Consulting, Education, Research, Engineering

Company names

Name Status Effective date: Expiration date:
Central Asian PhD Foundation Active 26-05-2021

Company addresses

Address Status Address is valid since: Address is not valid since:
Uly dala avenue 6/2,office 35,010000,Astana,Republic of Kazakhstan Former 01-06-2021
010000,Astana,Esil district,6/2,Uly Dala Avenue,office 35 Active

Business nature: R&D, Consulting, Education, Research, Engineering

Company business activities

Code Activity
94120 Activities of professional public organizations
72204 Interdisciplinary research and development on economic, budgetary and strategic planning
85410 Post-secondary non-tertiary education

Company roles

Role Name Effective date Expiration date
Founder Daniyar Medetov 25-10-2021
Director SERIK SHAKARIM 22-10-2021
Members of the Council Daniyar Medetov 15-10-2021
CEO Daniyar Medetov 15-10-2021
Founder ALIYA SEMBAYEVA 01-06-2021 15-10-2021

Change history

Date of change Subject of change