attribute value



Company name

Algorithm Ltd.

Registered address

21, Kabanbay Batyr ave., floorr 3, office # 3/1, Astana, Kazakhstan

Organisational-legal Form

Private Company

Registration status


Registration date 17-07-2020

Business nature

Data processing activities (knowledge detection in databases) using software;Development, implementation, development, modification, maintenance of software and (or) hardware and software complexes based or using blockchain technology;Services to provide a comprehensive computing infrastructure for performing computing operations and data processing.Providing Data storage and processing service Activities in the field of computer programming

Company names

Name Status Effective date: Expiration date:
Algorithm Ltd. Active 17-07-2020

Company addresses

Address Status Address is valid since: Address is not valid since:
Mangilik Yel 55/22, office 140, Astana, Kazakhstan Former 03-02-2021 25-04-2022
Mangilik Yel 55/20, Block C 4.1, office 251-252, Astana, Kazakhstan Former 17-07-2020 03-02-2021
21, Kabanbay Batyr ave., floorr 3, office # 3/1, Astana, Kazakhstan Active 25-04-2022

Business nature: Data processing activities (knowledge detection in databases) using software;Development, implementation, development, modification, maintenance of software and (or) hardware and software complexes based or using blockchain technology;Services to provide a comprehensive computing infrastructure for performing computing operations and data processing.Providing Data storage and processing service Activities in the field of computer programming

Company business activities

Code Activity
63111 Application (application) hostings and related activities

Company roles

Role Name Effective date Expiration date
Director Krauklis Viestrus 14-01-2022
Authorised Signatory Krauklis Viestrus 14-01-2022
CEO Krauklis Viestrus 14-01-2022
CEO Alexey Ageyev 17-07-2020 14-01-2022
Director Alexey Ageyev 17-07-2020 14-01-2022
Authorised Signatory Alexey Ageyev 17-07-2020 14-01-2022

Share Classes

Class name Number of shares Currency Price for a share Total cost
Ordinary 100.00 USD 1.00 100.00
Total amount:
Total USD: 100.00

Collateral Information

Under collateral
No None


Name Comments Status

Change history

Date of change Subject of change