attribute value



Company name

AQ Management Limited

Registered Address

55/16, Mangilik Yel ave, Block C3.1, Office 339, Z05T3F2, Astana, Kazakhstan

Organisational-legal Form

Private Company

Registration status


Registration date 08-04-2020

Business nature

Administrative and support services activities

Company names

Name Status Effective date: Expiration date:
AQ Management Limited Active 08-04-2020

Company addresses

Address Status Address is valid since: Address is not valid since:
55/16, Mangilik Yel ave, Block C3.1, Office 339, Z05T3F2, Astana, Kazakhstan Active 08-04-2020

Business nature: Administrative and support services activities

Company business activities

Code Activity
82110 Activities to provide complex office administrative services

Company roles

Role Name Effective date Expiration date
Secretary ABYLAIKHAN TELEUBAY 08-04-2020
Director Medgat Kumar 08-04-2020
Director ABYLAIKHAN TELEUBAY 08-04-2020
Authorised Signatory ABYLAIKHAN TELEUBAY 08-04-2020
Authorised Signatory Medgat Kumar 08-04-2020

Share Classes

Class name Number of shares Currency Price for a share Total cost
Ordinary 10,000.00 KZT 450.00 4,500,000.00
Total amount:
Total KZT: 4,500,000.00

Collateral Information

Under collateral
No None


Name Comments Status
AQ Digital Assets Limited Active

Change history

Date of change Subject of change