attribute value



Company name

Aqyl Fund Non-Profit Incorporated Organisation

Registered address

55/17, Mangilik Yel Avenue, Office 145, Astana, Kazakhstan

Organisational-legal Form

Non-Profit Incorporated Organisation

Registration status


Registration date 18-09-2019

Business nature

Providing financial, technical, humanitarian support under own educational programs;Elaboration and implementation of voluntary, health-improving, cultural, social, educational and other programs, campaigns, events, outreaches;Collaboration and conduct of campaigns in cooperation with governmental, non-governmental, scientific, educational, foreign and international organizations;Elaboration and implementation of educational programs;Production and distribution of thematic video products;Holding seminars, workshops;Production, translation from foreign languages and distribution f audio, video products and books with cultural-educational content;

Company names

Name Status Effective date: Expiration date:
Aqyl Fund Non-Profit Incorporated Organisation Active 18-09-2019

Company addresses

Address Status Address is valid since: Address is not valid since:
55/17, Mangilik Yel Avenue, Office 145, Astana, Kazakhstan Active 18-09-2019

Business nature: Providing financial, technical, humanitarian support under own educational programs;Elaboration and implementation of voluntary, health-improving, cultural, social, educational and other programs, campaigns, events, outreaches;Collaboration and conduct of campaigns in cooperation with governmental, non-governmental, scientific, educational, foreign and international organizations;Elaboration and implementation of educational programs;Production and distribution of thematic video products;Holding seminars, workshops;Production, translation from foreign languages and distribution f audio, video products and books with cultural-educational content;

Company business activities

Code Activity
94990 Activities of other membership organisations n.e.c.

Company roles

Role Name Effective date Expiration date
Authorised Signatory ABAY DAUTOV 18-09-2019
Founding Member Aizhan Myrzakhmetova 18-09-2019
Founding Member Eldar Zhumagaziyev 18-09-2019
Founding Member MAGZHAN MADIYEV 18-09-2019
Founding Member Serikbek Daukey 18-09-2019
Authorised Signatory MAGZHAN MADIYEV 18-09-2019

Change history

Date of change Subject of change