attribute value



Company name

Senym Foundation

Registered Address

Astana,Esil district,55/17,Mangilik El Avenue,office 145

Organisational-legal Form


Registration status


Registration date 26-08-2019

Business nature

Provision of scholarships

Company names

Name Status Effective date: Expiration date:
Senym Foundation Active 26-08-2019

Company addresses

Address Status Address is valid since: Address is not valid since:
Astana,Esil district,55/17,Mangilik El Avenue,office 145 Active 26-08-2019

Business nature: Provision of scholarships

Company business activities

Code Activity
85609 Other support activities in the field of education

Company roles

Role Name Effective date Expiration date
CEO Zhibek Turbekova 23-01-2024
Authorised Signatory Zhibek Turbekova 23-01-2024
Member “Bolashaq Development Fund” Non-Profit Organisation 26-08-2019
Founder “Bolashaq Development Fund” Non-Profit Organisation 26-08-2019
Authorised Signatory Almas Satylganov 26-08-2019
Founder “Bolashaq Development Fund” Non-Profit Organisation 25-08-2019
Members of the Council Almas Satylganov 26-08-2019 23-01-2024
CEO Almas Satylganov 26-08-2019 23-01-2024
Authorised Signatory Almas Satylganov 25-08-2019 23-01-2024

Change history

Date of change Subject of change