attribute value



Company name

Scal8R Consulting OÜ doing business in the AIFC as Scal8R Consulting Kazakhstan

Registered Address

55/22 Mangilik El Ave, block C4.3, office 140, Astana, Kazakhstan

Organisational-legal Form

Recognised Company

Registration status


Registration date 11-04-2019

Business nature

Business and other management consultancy activities

license (Ancillary Services) AFSA-A-LA-2019-0008

Company names

Name Status Effective date: Expiration date:
Scal8R Consulting OÜ doing business in the AIFC as Scal8R Consulting Kazakhstan Active 11-04-2019

Company addresses

Address Status Address is valid since: Address is not valid since:
16 Dostyk St, Office 2, Astana, Kazakhstan Former 11-04-2019 09-12-2019
55/22 Mangilik El Ave, block C4.3, office 140, Astana, Kazakhstan Active 12-04-2021
55/16 Mangilik El Ave, block C3.1, office 339, Astana, Kazakhstan Former 09-12-2019 12-04-2021

Business nature: Business and other management consultancy activities

Company business activities

Code Activity
70221 Business and other management consultancy activities

Company roles

Role Name Effective date Expiration date
Person authorised Ihor Ovcharenko 11-04-2019
Recognised forms of organisations does not have registered capital

Change history

Date of change Subject of change